Eighty budding junior chess champions plus their friends and family joined us at Somerset Hall for our 3rd Portishead Junior Rapidplay. It was a fantastic experience with a lot of newcomers joining the fun, while it was heartening to see how much some of the “old hands” had improved in the last six months. Many thanks in particular to Jane, the organisational mastermind who pulled the whole thing together, Katina who spent all day in the kitchen serving and cleaning, Chris for taking on all the stress of making the pairings and sorting out the prizes ably assisted by Ethan, and George, Andrew, SJ, Baptiste and Sasha for devoting their time and expertise to ensure that the chess side of things went smoothly!
After taking a breath I have no doubt that we will soon be plotting the 4th Portishead Junior Rapidplay! In the meantime you can see how everyone got on at https://chess-results.com/tnr1053293.aspx?lan=1&art=1&rd=6&flag=30