Portishead A Climb to the Top!
Two matches were held simultaneously last night featuring no fewer than thirteen of our own players! Especially pleasing was the...
Portishead A Climb to the Top!
Double Header Coming up & Updated Fixture List
Andrew’s Demonstrations!
Demonstrations, Blitz and Rapid Plays - All coming up very soon!
Internal Club Ratings Update
Roll-up! Our 1st Junior Blitz Tournament, Friday 8th March!
Our First Club Rapidplay!
Santosh and SJ Win!
Portishead A Team go to Clifton!
There's a lot happening this week!
Take Part this Friday!
Andrew demonstrates Spassky’s famous miniature!
Business as usual!
A big date in the Junior Chess Diary: The Bristol Megafinals - 8th June
Chess Tutors Galore!
Santosh Shines!
And ... Here is our Fixture List!
February Club Nights! See what's happening!
Our First Club Rapidplay! 16th February - put it in your diary!
Portishead vs South Bristol - resumed