Last night both the A and B team were in action against Clifton and the University respectively. The B team were heavily outgraded by their opponents but held their own for the most part. In the end experience told and three tightly fought games went the University's way. the highlight, however, was SJ's draw - a fantastic result in a game where she had all the winning chances. Despite the fact that we lost 0.5-3.5 in the end there were lots of very promising signs!
In thge A team match there were early wins on board 5 and six by Edward and Oliver. Oliver's game was particularly impressive showing good positional judgment and an eye for tactical possibilities. Baptiste, on board one won next, once again showing his typical controlled aggression. On board two, I played my first game for many years and although feeling a bit rusty managed to win also. On boards 3 and 4, the games looked closer but with both our player looking to have the better of it. Andrew finally won through but Tim was less fortunate and somehow (I didn't see how) the game slipped away. So in the end we won 5-1! The biggest victory in the short history of Portishead Chess Club!